1Password, the key to secure password and access management.
Behind the Scenes of Our Tech Stack: Starting with 1Password for Business, the key to secure password and access management.
In today's digital world, passwords are everywhere. Reusing passwords on critical systems will eventually lead to a data breach, and this is where 1Password, a key part of our tech stack, comes in.
1Password makes managing passwords and access credentials, including tokens and MFA codes, easy for individuals and businesses. The software allows users to remember only one master password to access hundreds or thousands of stored credentials.
1Password for Business is a crucial component of our tech stack.
Here are the features we like with the 1Password for Business offering:
1Password Vaults enable seamless password sharing across our Business while maintaining security and organisation. They allow us to segregate password storage by teams and departments and implement granular access controls based on job roles. This ensures users have access only to the credentials they need to perform their tasks, enforcing the principle of least privilege permissions.
1Password Insights offers businesses (or their IT teams) a comprehensive dashboard to effectively monitor and address security risks. By consolidating data on password health, data breaches associated with company domains, and team usage, it provides a clear overview of an organisation's security posture. The breach monitoring component of 1Password integrates with Troy Hunt's fantastic (and free for individuals) email breach monitoring service, which we love.
1Password Reports is certainly no slouch when it comes to reporting on the valuable data stored within the platform. 1Password for Business offers a suite of reporting tools, including a domain breach report and a business watchtower report highlighting security concerns such as weak or reused passwords, unsecured websites, and inactive 2-factor authentication. You can even pull data on active devices in your organisation and track outdated software versions.
1Password Developer Tools could justify an entire post on this feature alone. Suffice to say that 1Password is a favourite choice for the DevOps community. For the non-technical reader, these tools enable software developers to securely manage their authentication secrets directly from their development environment. When the usage of 1Password is enforced by company policy, this feature effectively eliminates the risky practice of storing secrets in plain text files or insecure locations.
1Password Integrations, again, is challenging to summarise as the integrations library continues to expand, so we'll highlight our personal favourites. The Duo integration allows us to integrate with our third-party 2FA provider, a compliance requirement for our cyber insurance. The Slack integration connects 1Password with our company communication platform and even posts security events into conversations. Finally, the SIEM integration collects the log files from 1Password and injects them into our security event monitoring database to aid in the detection of security incidents.
1Password Policies last but not least, 1Password for Business offers some powerful policies by which you can create rules on how your team authenticates with 1Password. You can ensure only company domains are used for online accounts by adding approved email domains or ensure staff members can only log in with the latest version of the password manager. It is possible to lock down access to your 1Password tenant using the firewall policy, where you can restrict access by country, continent, IP addresses, and IP ranges.
1Password for Business.
While the security benefits of using 1Password easily justify the investment in the software, the productivity benefits are evident and offer business owners and decision-makers peace of mind. According to Forrester in its study The Total Economic Impact™ of 1Password Business, investing in 1Password for Business offers a 206% ROI and significantly increases employee productivity.